May is National Celiac Awareness Month, and this month’s Attune Foods theme is “What does gluten-free mean to me?”
For four years I have written articles about celiac disease and gluten sensitivity on this blog. I have told my story and I have shared my emotions. And somehow I still have something to say!
Inspired by my 1st grader’s homework assignment, I thought I’d take a different approach by writing an acrostic poem (yeah, new word for me too!) about what being gluten-free means to me:
To me, Gluten-Free means…
Getting my life back after years of fatigue, anemia, stomach aches, asthma and more
To read the rest of the poem for the letters L, U, T, E, N, F, R, E, E, visit Attune Foods and tell me what being gluten-free means to you!
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