Vitiligo and celiac disease is a topic I have been meaning to write about for a while now. I have both, and believe there is a connection between vitiligo and gluten intolerance. I have found out more on this topic from the readers of this blog than any other source out there, and hope that this incredible information reaches those with vitiligo who are told there is no known cause.
Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by smooth, white patches on various parts of the body that occur due to loss of pigment. This loss of pigment often starts on the hands, feet and face, and then can progress to other parts of the body. Hair can turn white where there is a vitiligo patch. Vitiligo is not physically painful, but can be quite emotionally devastating as it affects one’s appearance.
The picture below is of me as a child with vitiligo on my face. It appeared symmetrically below my eyes, but asymmetrically on my legs — 8 spots on only one side of my body.
The spots on my face re-pigmented with the treatment at that time (1973) which was psoralen pills and UV light treatments at Stanford. The spots on my legs remained into adulthood, never getting any bigger or smaller. When I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2002, I didn’t think about the vitiligo, but over the past years since being on a gluten-free diet, the patches have begun filling in with spots of pigment of various colors, even some darker than my original skin color. I was always self-conscious about the white patches on my legs as a child. Today, you can barely make out their outlines.
Vitiligo is an auto-immune disease, because the immune system attacks the pigment-producing cells of the body. It is thought that lack of folic acid and B12 could be a contributing factor to the onset and spread of vitiligo. Vitiligo has been associated with celiac disease, which causes malabsorption of vital nutrients, so it makes sense that these two conditions can coexist. Though studies have stated the relationship of the two autoimmune diseases, little or no information has been presented from an anecdotal point of view — what happens to the patient with vitiligo if they go on a gluten-free diet?
I have received many emails asking me if vitiligo will go away on a gluten-free diet. Because of these inquiries, I decided to ask celiac disease expert Peter Green about it when I saw him at a conference. He said that he has seen vitiligo reverse on a gluten-free diet if caught early enough. I also decided to follow up with some of the people that emailed me to see if anything had changed with their vitiligo since being on a gluten-free diet. I was astounded at what I found. Out of 8 people I emailed, 5 emailed me back. Of those 5, 3 people had seen the vitiligo reverse! Of the remaining 2, one had not tried a gluten-free diet, and one had not seen change with the gluten-free diet, but had also been diagnosed with dairy and yeast allergy, so perhaps there is more to eliminate from the diet before seeing a change. So, of 4 people who tried a gluten-free diet, 3 had positive results: 75%! Here is what they said:
Woman with vitiligo: “Yes, my pigment is coming back on my knees where I’ve had lesions since age 9 (I’m 38). I also have not had any advancing vitiligo lesions since I’ve been gluten free. I’m not currently doing any treatment, and my pigment is coming back slowly but surely on my legs, some on my hands, and a little on my shoulders. There doesn’t seem to be any changes on my lesions on my abdomen or feet, however. As previously stated, I do have freckling on my
hands, which is surprising. The best part of all is that I feel so much better physically and mentally. I can’t even think of consuming gluten . . . YUCK!”
Father of a child with vitiligo: “It has substantially improved. We finally found a physician who took this very serious, performed subsequent tests and found that due to her inflamed bowels she was not absorbing vitamins (she also has very short hair). In a very short time, with increased vitamin intake, gluten free everything has improved!”
Woman with vitiligo: “Yes the vitiligo did change. I think I remember telling you that it was not noticeable until I got a tan. Then portions of my upper thigh would not tan with the rest of my skin. When I was feeling my worst it spread to my upper back and shoulder in small patches. The upper thigh has not changed since my teens BUT this past summer I got a tan while planning my destination wedding and no patches on my back or shoulder! This is very exciting news since my wedding dress is backless.”
Please, if any others out there have seen their vitiligo change on a gluten-free diet, leave a comment here. And if you have vitiligo and are reading about this connection for the first time, you should consider getting tested for celiac disease or gluten intolerance and going on a gluten-free diet. Even if your vitiligo can’t reverse, the fact that you have this autoimmune condition means that you may have an intolerance to gluten and there could be damage being done inside the body.
I hope that my personal story and the comments shared by others will cause some of you out there to have an “Aha!” moment!
UPDATE: Articles I have found since writing this article in 2010:
Repigmentation of Vitiligo Lesions in a Child with Celiac Disease after a Gluten-Free Diet
Rapid Partial Repigmentation of Vitiligo in a Young Female Adult with a Gluten-Free Diet
Vitiligo and Autoantibodies of Celiac Disease
Vitiligo and Celiac Disease: Is There a Link?

Sunil says
Hi Karina,
We have reduced products with gluten from our day to day family diet (although he does have an occasional pastry/ice cream say once a month or when he goes to birthday parties).
There have not been any new patches. We do watch his diet more closely and make leafy green vegetables as often as we can.
Karina says
Thanks Sunil. We are not 100% gluten free we are trying to be dairy free. But it’s hard for a kid an being a vegetarian on top of that. Are you continuing with the cortisone?
Sunil says
Hi Karina,
We used Cortisone for about 4-5 months and have discontinued it. I suggest going on a Gluten free diet for a certain period of time before going diary free. That way you can monitor the progress and get to know what worked. If we stop both the child will hardly get any nutrition, especially since you say your family follows a vegetarian diet.
Also our family doctor was against us giving him Health drinks(Pedia Sure) on a daily basis. she was of the opinion that when a certain nutrient is ingested in excess, it depletes another nutrient and causes deficiency.
Ken says
I have been gluten free for two years now. I have not experienced significant repigmentation.
Can any one recommend a cover up or some kind of natural color that dose not look like makeup but could even out the blochyness on my face and also provide additional UV protection.
Karina says
Thanks Sunil! That’s what we are aiming to do. She is almost dairy free, luckily she had no problems with soy or almond milk. Now slowly trying to incorporate gluten free diet. More than anything we want to cut the processed foods drastically.
Thanks for your input and lets keep our fingers crossed.
sunita batra says
hi, I have been detected wheat allergy since past 9 years and living on gluten free diet. today I am 36, married and having two children age 7& 2. past one year I started taking wheat products quite and often. now I have noticed some white patches in my underarm and at my thighs. skin specialist says this is vitiligo but cause of disease was unknown to the doctor. after finding on net and the connection between wheat allergy and vitiligo through your blog, now I am strictly cut wheat from my diet.
Subbu says
I am new to this site and we noticed couple of white spots on my 2 year old ,its just started 3 wks back not sure what was the trigger we switched to Pedia sure completely around the same time could be because of that not sure ?. Thanks everyone for the positive feed back ,Sunil thanks for the suggestion we will try gluten free diet and papaya peel too.
Tiffanie says
Hi Sunil- can you tell me how often you apply the Papaya peel and how much Biotin do you give your child. Thanks so much!
Sunil says
Hi Tiffanie,
We apply the Peel twice a day.My son had a few white dots on his nails, which is why our family doctor had suggested a Biotin supplement once a day only for a week. I suggest that you consult your physician before trying it.
Cindy says
Interesting to see so many people trying gluten free diets. I have both vitiligo and thyroid disease. This winter I began a low carb diet to lose weight. I mow commercially so it is really difficult to avoid the sun. I was very surprised to see most of the color return to my face, which was almost completely white. My hands are freckling also. Genetically modified grain apparently has 15 times the gluten that an organic grain would. The human body is not equipped to digest this much gluten. We also do to milk what we do to every other food product. Raw milk can be consumed by lactose intolerant people, but unfortunately it is not widely available.
Sally says
Hi there, I have had vitiligo since the age of 3 and I am currently 36 and pregnant with my first. I became gluten free after doing a blood allergy test. I am pretty sure I suffer from celiac as I have all the symptoms but was never officially diagnosed. I came off gluten, dairy and eggs due to allergies. I barely ate eggs and dairy prior as I was a vegan/ vegetarian. When I stopped gluten, although I never had vitiligo very badly, it is reversing. I have told my naturopath as well as dermatologist. I have had one spot on ankle fir 33 years and it has never home away however currently it is filling in and half it’s size. Other than that spot I have it on the bottom of my feet and that is also filling in. I have not treated vitiligo with any topical creams since ging gluten free. It dies work, there is a link. It takes long but I have no new spread and pregnancy seemed to help
Pascale says
Thank you very much for this article!
Sorry for my bad english, I’m a Belgian.-)
My 19 year old son suffers from vitiligo since the age of 10 years. He always had a pale complexion (like me) and vitiligo “appears” mainly in summer as the forehead and nose stay pale despite the sun. Also on his fingers … So, not so bad but he tried to avoid the sun.
In february 2012 he was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and caffeine. Since his diet has changed.
He has just returned from vacation and I was surprised to find any trace of vitiligo on his face!!!Just a little on his fingers but not so serious as before.
So I also think there is a correlation between lactose intolerance and vitiligo. Thanks to you, I hope that medicine will make progress in order to help other persons!
Kindly regards from Belgium!
Nicholas says
Also from Belgium 🙂
I have vitiligo since puberty.
I discovered by internet the link between vitiligo and gluten a month ago. I started immediately a glutenfree or glutenpoor diet, and a little bit sun. The result came quick and is amaizing. Everywhere the pigmentation comes back!!! The brown dots in the white patches grown everyday.
Important detail: I remarked just before the pigmentation came back,my skin was peeling on those white patches. Before the diet, my skin never peeled. For me is the renewing of the skin a good indication where the pigmentation will start.
I hope that my story helps other people with vitiligo.
santosh says
This is very use full me,(from India) only 2 weeks back i started observing white patches one corner of mouth and center of chin small patches on fingers of rt hand. I was reading article it gave some hopes so that changing my food habits I may get back my skin color, i am 39 years old I consulted doctor without testing anything prescribed immnuosupresant drugs but I am having lots uneasy, I will consult doctor for ceailic diseases
totally this is very help full information
dee says
If you are in this new category (non celiac gluten intolerant) now called Gluten Sensitivity you want to know this information as it can take only crumbs or slight cross contamination (like using a regular toaster with gluten free bread) to expose you to the negative effects of gluten for your body. I have been gluten free for 3 years. After 2 months I thought I saw progress and over the years it was really going away. Then I was accidentally glutened (by three restaurants and the vitiligo came back. There are so many other things that living gluten free has helped for me (IBS (gone), rosacea (gone), joint pain (gone), random bloating (gone). When I get “glutened it all comes back. Of course I’m hoping that given enough time again remaining gf my vitiligo will again begin to subside. In other words, if a gluten free diet is creating a remission of your symptoms of the vitiligo then there are probably even more reasons for remaining gf. Good luck to you Santash, and get a celiac test (Ttg blood test) ASAP as a gluten free diet will make the celiac test negative even if you do have celiac. Beyond Celiac there is now this category of gluten sensitivity without celiac that we don’t know much about. I spoke with the worlds leading expert Alessio Fasano and he said that there were single case reports of remission of celiac but the scientific research has not been done yet. Hope this helps.
dee says
oops, I meant “remission or reversal of vitilago” not celiac. Celiac disease absolutely can be reversed with a gluten free diet. But it only takes five crumbs, (per the expert) to gluten anyone with celiac. Its a very strict diet unfortunately.
Lynn says
Hi everyone.
Please note that most of these autoimmune diseases, chronic conditions and gluten sensitivities/allergies, are directly a result from Lyme Disease, as it is a systemic disease that affects all organs of the body…including the biggest organ, your skin.
Please do research on this. Google Lyme Disease and the government to learn some shocking news. Most chronic ailments are due to having come in contact from a tick bite at some point. It’s not just deer ticks that carry the bacteria. It’s most of them.
Ahmed says
Dee! Some questions about your vitiligo progress, were you dairy free too?
How was your sun exposure? Multivitamins?
Amanda says
More than Lyme disease they are a result from “Leaky gut”
Lynn says
Which many Lyme sufferers complain of, also. It is the Great Imitator of ailments that effect every system in the body. Please research or join to speak to many of those who have *personal experience*, stricken with all of these ailments, including skin, allergy and digestive system disorders. It’s a lot more common than one would care to believe and there’s only one way to accurately test for it through a certain lab. It doesn’t always show positive through regular Dr tests, if one has it.
Gloria says
So exciting to read all these posts. I have had vitiligo about 10 yrs
I am 66. Also have Crohns disease I am reading a book called the Autoimmune Epidemic. Both these conditions are autoimmune
I will try the gf diet after the blood test. I did see 2 dermatologists for the vitiligo but the treatments are time consuming and expensive and so I decided not to try any as I was also fearful of side effects. I dont have any vitiligo on my face so that is another reason and I am fair skinned
The lspots are spreading so lloking forward to gf trial
This is a wonderful site, so helpful
Anne says
I haven’t been here in awhile, but wanted to post an update on my daughter who will be 13 in a few weeks 🙂
A friend that is a pediatrician and child nutritional specialist had her tested for gluten sensitivity (it’s done with feces samples – that was NOT fun) and she showed gluten and casein sensitivity. In the last year, she also developed an eye infection (behind her eyes – long story about how we found it out). We had to take her to a retina and macular degeneration specialist in Orlando (we live outside of Orlando, FL) who then referred us to Bascom Palmer in Miami. She has been tested like crazy (to the tune of 8-10 tubes of blood) and they found NO cause of the eye infection. The doctor (who is the #1 eye doctor in the country), said it could be from gluten! She ran an HLA profile, but that only showed 1/14000 chance of having the markers for celiac. My husband wanted to let her back on the gluten and dairy, but since her other tests showed the sensitivity, we are not doing it. Not taking that chance. Next step is having her thyroid checked – my family has a history of thyroid and goiter problems. UG!!! Hoping that’s negative. Poor kid!
The poor kid was on and off prednisone for months and had to get Lucentis shots in one eye – yes, in her eye. I can’t say this was all from gluten, but when they find no cause, what can you think?
I have been doing tons of research on line and it is amazing what you can find. A great free read here:
So, we are GF/CF – no gluten or dairy whatsoever and have started supplementing with “super foods” – moringa, blue-green algae, etc. She has also been eating more food with psoralens (carrots, beets, etc). I will be adding more foods high in zinc and folic acid as well.
What I did find odd, is that she fell and scraped her knee, which is depigmented and when the scrape healed, the pigment had returned! I did read an article on some dermos that were scraping the vitiligo, then spraying them with the patients skin cells. May be something to that…
Christine says
Hi thank you for this, more informative than doctors – I know most of you know what I’m talking about. A couple of years ago I took my daughter, 3 t the time, off of gluten for the most part. This past sprin I found out she was allergic to soy while wheat did not test positive. So I gave her gluten – bagels, pizza, if was great. Now, at 5.5 yrs old, she’s got white patches all over. They spread quickly over the course of the past few months. I’ve been in a panic and despair but this site gives me hope. She is back off of gluten. BUT … What about rice ?? Please enlighten me.
Anne says
My daughter eats rice with no issues but she does not eat dairy. My research has shown that dairy can effect vitiligo, too. Prior to going GFCF, my daughter also used to have a chronic cough. Took her to the allergist, ENT and gastroenterologist and nothing. They thought it was a habit. I was not satisfied with that answer – no one is more persistent than a concerned mom 😉 Guess what? No gluten, no dairy, no cough. I wasn’t crazy. I knew something was causing that cough!
She has quit eating pork and beef and i only buy natural chicken and turkey. She and i eat vegetarian a few times per week but my husband and son “gotta have the meat”. Dinner time can be hectic in our house 😉 I also started giving her a multi and probiotic everyday and omega 3-6-9 several times per week.
I bought a juicer today so we will start getting even more fruits and veggies in.
I read that castor oil on the spots helps, so adding that to the mix, too.
I have to say that i myself have cut dairy and red meat from my diet, use natural products (it can be pricey so i’ve started making some things myself) and take supplements and i feel awesome! A healthy diet won’t cure everything overnight but i firmly believe it is the path to great health.
meera says
this is an extremely helpful blog. i am tryn to go gf after i read the positive results. i have had vitiligo since almost 20 years. has anyone heard of natural vitiligo treatment system by michael dawson. does it help for vitiligo treatment or is it just a scam??
pls help.
Kate says
I am recently diagnosed coeliac and have just been having a look at the links between vitiligo and gluten as my sister as vitiligo and I thought as coeliac is genetic that there could be a link, all your comments make me think this def could be so!
For all those looking for a place to start with gluten free and allergies, I did the Dr Alejandro Junger 3 week diet called CLEAN they you re-introduce food groups, milk, eggs, wheat, gluten etc and your body has a fairly swift response to what it does not like. Eating gluten was like giving myself flu with a huge hangover and some hayfever after 3 weeks without it.
After cutting it out, well it’s like a minor miracle, I feel so WELL! Not exhausted etc and after much research I can see why. The grain used now is not the grain our grandparents used, it has modified to store longer, give greater elasticity in baked goods etc and the gluten in it now has massively increased. Our bodies just can’t cope with it and that affects our immune systems. With 80% of our immune system in our GUT you can see why.
Jessica says
I am 38 and just started a GF diet 2 days ago. I have has vitiligo since I was 5 and hypothyroid since I was 28. Hoping this GF diet helps with both. There are a lot of helpful info on here, thanks to all!!
Jessica says
Also, my 6 year old boy has vit too. We noticed it a year ago. Keeps spreading. I am hoping if the GF works with my vit. I can try it with him!
Rosanne says
I have had vitiligo since 11 years of age. I tried psoralens tablets at 21 with infra red light under the guidance of a skin specialist with no result. I know now it should have been UV light. I am now 58. I have recently searched the net and found people are saying fresh ginger rubbed over white spots three times a day and left on, will show improvement within weeks (google hypopigmentation ginger). Also Ashwagandha taken internally (other name is Withania somnifera – it is an Indian herb and is an immune modulator, antiinflammatory . I am going to try these, as well as a gluten free diet. I will also drink water from a copper pot to gain more copper. I have tried Ginkgo biloba and tyrosine in the past with little result. My spots increased last summer so now I really want to get rid of them. Good luck to everyone seeking a cure.
KAY says
MEERA: I tried Michael Dawson approach but no luck.
If you want the book, I have it and can email you. give it a try yourself.
Anoop says
Hi Kay,
Requesting you to kindly send the this ebook to ‘’. Suffering form Vitiligo for past 17 year. Got inspired to follow GF Diet from this post but was not able to follow the same. Currently my Vitiligo is again spreading , one thing I am sure that it have some relation with your Gut.
Anoop Jakhwal
meera says
hey kay,
my email id is pls share the ebook. thanks
revati says
hello kay,
sorry gave u the wrong email add. kindly send the ebook to treatment r u undergoing now.. what all did u try from the ebook??
Rosanne Spain says
Lack of enzymes protease and DNAse explains gluten’s implication in autoimmune disorders. Gluten is a protein made of peptides gliadin and glutenin, which induces a leaky gut syndrome, due to poor protein breakdown leaving large protein particles. There is a book “Autoimmune, the cause and the cure.” which gives well referenced details about how the lack of digestive enzymes can affect us in many ways.
The takehome message is that we need to eat raw foods containing active digestive enzymes. This will take the load off our pancreas so it can again produce the right amount of protease and DNAses.
Anne says
Started taking my daughter for NAET ttreatments. Some people have cleared their vitiligo and food sensitivities with this method. Will keep everyone posted. Second session today 😉
Derek says
I read a book titled My Victory against Vitiligo recently, the author is not a vegan or on gluten free diet, and he recovered by eliminating only a few food items (alone with other treatments).
Just curious, people have been eating foods with gluten for thousands of years and the majority has no problem with it. Could it be possible this is not the root of the problem? Instead, damaged intestine is? For example, a bowel has a crack and it will cause a mess if we use it to hold liquid, so we say let’s just use it to hold solid items. But the crack is still there, and a normal bowel should be able to hold anything.
Anne says
NAET works! Back on gluten with NO issues.
Derek says
Someone showed me the Natural Vitiligo Cure System yesterday. I have been very curious about this ebook because of its shameless internet search engine campaign, you cannot get away for it whenever you search for vitiligo. I almost bought it a year ago, but didn’t due to the concern of credit card scam. The ebook is only 63 pages, an copy and paste assembly of various information collected from internet. It is probably unfair to call it a total scam, but it is certainly not useful and a rip-off for 40 dollars. there is no where in the book you can find the 2-months cure the ad mentioned. The UVB section has only two paragraphs, zero useful info was provided. The My Victory against Vitiligo I found on Amazon was a lot more useful for $15. I am going to start watching my diet and taking supplements for my digestive issues.
Martin says
Hello Anne,
what does it mean “NAET works”? Is your child vitiligo free now?
Marla says
Hi Anne,
I was also wondering what NAET stands for and your comment that it works.
Marla says
Also, how much B12 and Folic Acid should an adult take to help in the healing?
Kathy says
I’m 56 years old and the Vitaligo patches started when I turned 30. Seemed to spread fast in the beginning then slowed down for about a year. Then I had my son at 32 and it took off. I completely lost 100% pigmentation within 5-6 years. I’m Caucasian and before vitaligo I had an olive complexion. At 50, 6 years ago I decided to go gluten free on my own do to a lifetime of stomach issues. I felt so much better the first week. I’ve been red meat free 24yrs, dairy free 2 1/2yrs, and I try to keep Soy and pork out of my diet, too. I’m O- blood type and truly believe the poor absorption and inflammation from gluten and so many inflammatory foods are a huge cause in autoimmune diseases. I’ve showed no signs of pigmentation return after being gluten free 6 years. Sublingual Vitamin D and B’s are a big help for me even though I on occasion I battle anemia. Good luck to all those seeking a cure.
Kari says
Hi. I had been on a gluten free diet for about 5 years. My vitiligo became stabilized and in many areas improved with vitamins and Dr. Merry’s formula with sun exposure. I began to relax recently and started eating small amounts of gluten. I am seeing white spots on my hands, and I previously had only had vitiligo on the insides of my arm before. I am really nervous about it and am going back strictly on gluten free. This problem started in my 30’s after eating pasta every night with my Italian husband. I think also starting to use chemical hair straightener was a trigger
Ros says
Autoimmune the Cause and The Cure is a book and a fb page. The author explains that a lack of dietary enzymes, especially protease and DNAse, causes all autoimmune disorders. She advises that that raw foods have enzymes and that supplementation may be necessary until our bodies recover. I think she also advises to avoid gluten.
Dee says
Thanks for sharing your comment. (One bit of good news is that they now have yummy GF pasta.) Obviously the studies on this connection — gluten/vitiligo — are not available yet. They are very close, however, to establishing the biomarkers for Gluten Sensitivity (GS) so that studies will be easier. I’ve been strictly gluten free for 4 years. After about 6 months I thought the vitiligo was improving — at least it was clearly halted. But over the years, I have noticed that if I am accidentally exposed a few times in a row then the white patches of vitiligo seem to get bright white and rapidly increase in size again. GS is an immune response so depending on your tolerance level, you may or may not find it hard to prevent exposure. I get sick from even cross contamination. In my case, while the white patches do seem to grow bigger with exposure, they don’t seem to ever shrink again. However, the white skin does start to get more color the longer I am GF. When I get a couple of exposures it will flare up bright white and start to spread. Does anyone else notice this response?
pam says
i have been wearing shorts & tank as much as possible for the whole summer. as a results, my legs do not have any which patches.
i just found a tanning salon which claims to have UVB bed. so i’m going to try it. (also for D)
most of my white patches are on torso (big polka dots) & the back of my neck & shoulder are completely white now. & i seem to find a new one every few months.
i have no idea which lesions are active. some of them seem to stay the same for 2 years.
Maria says
Hi Alison, I am so happy to have found your page. I have had vitiligo since I was a child (now 40). Last year my dr recommended that I go gluten free due to my Hashimotos (autoimmune thyroid) and my vitiligo has been improving for the first time ever. I am also taking Vit D and probiotics. I have been watching with looks like a vitiligo patch on my 8 year old daughter’s back all summer. I took her to the pedi to ask about it and a GF diet for her… the pedi was no help and tonight I noticed another patch on her elbow 🙁 Wondering if you have any articles I could share with my pedi of if I should just look for a functional medicine dr to see her? I worry about thyroid stuff for her as well since she has a history of idopathic hives.
sara says
my 3 year old girl is diagnosed with Vitiigo..i m devastated, no family history nothing. Anyone any suggestions to stop it and cure it. Does it really get halted, anyone please, anyone. Dr gave the usual cream and she didnt believe on the gluten involvement. Also, will the siblings get it too. thanks so much for any answer.
Jashan says
Hii everyone,thankyou for sharing your son got diagnosed for vitiligo 6 months back with vitiligo,it all started with an eczema kind and then the skin left it’s colour,he has vitiligo on his eyelids so can’t apply most of the medicines as the skin is very thin in that area,if anyone has any knowledge about what would help , please do share.and thankyou Sunil I tried papaya peels I think they r helping a bit
Racquel says
I drastically changed my diet when i found out about my vitiligo 7 months ago so I made a quick change in my diet because it is on my face. I am anemic and have hypothyroidism as well. I added a lot of green vegetables to my diet. My homeopathic doctor put me on lots of vitamins and minerals and enzymes for absorption.I was also put on liver and lymphatic cleanse.
I read about how a ‘leaky gut’ is a major issue for persons who have autoimmune diseases and that’s when i decided to be gluten, soy, yeast, and sugar free(well some sugar every now and then).
Since ive been on this diet, i no longer have much brain fog, i have more energy and most importantly, my spots have repigmented. The process is slow but very natural and i’m loving it. The spots though are somewhat darker than my natural skin colour. Maybe cos its new skin,lol. I would suggest persons to clean their colon for a healthier gut, go free from food allergens like soy and gluten, eat more organic food, live on probiotics and vitamins to reduce vitiligo from spreading.