Looking for gluten-free Matzoh? Want to make gluten-free Matzoh Ball Soup?
Here are some resources to help you with a gluten-free Passover!
Gluten-Free Oat Matzohs can be ordered from:
- Lakewood Matzoh
located in New Jersey
Phone: 732-364-8757
Email: sales@lakewoodmatzoh.com
- Gluten Free Oat Matzohs
located in London
Phone: (44) 020 8455 9476
Email: sula@waitrose.com
Or, make your own gluten-free matzo with help from Ellen at I Am Gluten Free:
- Elana’s Pantry Matzoh Ball Soup
- Gluten-Free Bay’s Matzoh Balls Recipe #1
- Gluten-Free Bay’s Matzoh Ball Recipe #2
- I Am Gluten Free’s Matzoh Balls
More suggestions? Let us know in the comments.

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karen says
I bought the matzo from Lakewood and while it is not exactly the same- it does the trick. It tastes a bit oaty but will remind you of matzo both in taste and looks. I ordered 2 boxes which I think will be enough for 1 person who eats quite a bit of matzo for the week. I haven’t used it yet for matzo-bry but have high hopes!
CR says
You should try Eena Kadeena’s gf Mock-Zah Ball mix. . . it is by far the best I have tried. I think it is even better than what I grew up having (with gluten). http://www.eenakadeena.com
Susan says
I just found this Gluten Free Passover cookbook on iTunes from glutenfreematzo.com. Check it out